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carole bromley

Introducing Carole

carole bromley

About Carole

Carole Bromley is an experienced psychic medium and tarot reader with over thirty years of experience. She has dedicated her life to helping others by providing guidance and insight through her intuitive abilities. Carole's journey began at a young age when she discovered her unique gift and realized her calling to assist those in need. With a deep understanding of the spiritual realm and a compassionate heart, Carole has become a trusted advisor to many. Her passion for her work is evident in every reading she conducts, as she strives to empower her clients and help them navigate life's challenges. Carole's expertise, combined with her warm and approachable nature, creates a safe and supportive space for individuals seeking clarity and guidance. Whether you are looking for answers, seeking spiritual growth, or simply curious about the metaphysical world, Carole is here to assist you on your journey. Connect with Carole today and experience the transformative power of her intuitive readings.

carole bromley


A Journey of Hope & Healing

carole bromley

'Saying it for Spirit'

I was blessed at the age of six with a psychic and mediumship gift. Perhaps one I didn't really want either as I grew older.  Now, having a full understanding of the the spirit world and the afterlife, I know how much I can really help others to understand and accept too how life after death continues to exist. Because of my thirty years of experience, I have accomplished a truly incredible passion for connecting with the spiritual realm. I am able to use my unique abilities to provide guidance, healing, and messages from loved ones who have passed on. My empathetic nature and deep understanding of the spiritual world is what makes me an honest, trusted, loved and sought-after medium. Through my work I aim to bring comfort, clarity and where possible evidence of the survival of the soul. I am compelled to give healing and guidance to those seeking answers. Your going to want to explore my portfolio below and throughout my website to learn more about the afterlife and the services on offer. 


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